Total Juggling Fitness is a new physical fitness program that combines juggling with traditional training exercises.

Total Juggling Fitness is designed to make exercise more fun. It focuses on working out the whole body. It sharpens the mind and improves hand-eye coordination in ways that traditional exercising programs don’t.

If you don’t already know how to juggle, you may think combining juggling with physical fitness would be hard. However, the two activities go naturally together to give you a great workout for your whole body and mind.

Completing many standard exercises while juggling requires engaging the entire body in the routine. Obviously one must know how to juggle to complete a Total Juggling Fitness program. Simple tutorials on how to juggle will help you along the way. Juggling isn’t as hard as it looks. With just a little patience, you’ll be juggling while you do squats and lunges in no time.

Total Juggling Fitness will not only test your ability to juggle; it will also make you more physically and mentally fit.

The following juggling fitness videos give you an idea of how you can incorporate juggling and exercise:

Total Juggling Fitness is still in its developmental stages, but right now some of the components include:

Strength, Endurance, and Balance Exercises such as

  • Juggling/Pushup medleys
  • Juggling curls
  • Juggling crunches
  • Juggling leg lifts
  • Juggling squats
  • Juggling lunges
  • Juggling high knees
  • Juggling wall sits
  • Juggling leg hops
  • Single leg juggling
  • Fast switch juggling
  • Juggling stairs
  • And, of course, Joggling (running while juggling)!

Are you ready for the ultimate juggling test?

If you have any ideas for other juggling fitness activities, or if you’d like to know more about the program, please contact me.

tower joggle