What is Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) and Why You Need to Invest in It Now

What is generative engine optimization and why you need it (1)

Google vs. AI Search: A Tale of Two Shoe Hunts You need a pair of shoes. Not just any shoes—comfortable, stylish dress shoes that can handle a full day of walking and standing. You do what you've always done: head to Google and type "comfortable dress shoes." You get a page full of links—Zappos, Nordstrom, … Continue reading What is Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) and Why You Need to Invest in It Now

Creating A Realistic Character With Glasses

character with glasses

When creating a character, their appearance is a useful nonverbal means of informing the reader or viewer about who they are. This can move their story forward, establish key elements of their persona, and even provide hints about their backstory and motivations. It helps mold them into a real, tangible character regardless of what sort … Continue reading Creating A Realistic Character With Glasses

How to use semicolons without trying too hard to be cool

How to use a semicolon properly

Semicolons: because sometimes a period just seems too final, and a comma doesn’t always pull its weight. Semicolons are here to step in when you’ve got two complete thoughts that are way too dependent on each other to be split apart, but you’re also not ready for them to go off on their own. It’s … Continue reading How to use semicolons without trying too hard to be cool

Why Eye and Vision Care Are Crucial For Your Writing Practice

why eye care is crucial for writing

Clear and comfortable vision is crucial for your writing practice; without it, pursuing your passion becomes much more challenging.  Despite knowing this, most writers do not totally understand facts in relation to vision loss and blindness that can affect how you care for your eyes. For instance, 81% of Americans believe they’re knowledgeable about eye … Continue reading Why Eye and Vision Care Are Crucial For Your Writing Practice

Common Mistakes Writers Make with Character Descriptions (and How to Avoid Them)

Ah, character descriptions—the holy grail of fiction writing where the faint-hearted dare not tread. If you’re a writer, you’ve probably spent countless hours trying to perfect this delicate art. And if you’ve read enough books, you’ve likely encountered the full spectrum: from descriptions so sparse you’d need a microscope to find them, to epic tomes … Continue reading Common Mistakes Writers Make with Character Descriptions (and How to Avoid Them)

Sharing Made Simple: How Writers Can Safely Use WeTransfer for Document Sharing

When working in the digital environment, communications hold the key and hence Safe Document Sharing is the key to success. The issue is most sensitive for writers because they invest a lot. No matter if you are writing a book, creating a research paper, or contributing to the team, safe and convenient file sharing is … Continue reading Sharing Made Simple: How Writers Can Safely Use WeTransfer for Document Sharing

Why you should always use the Oxford comma

The Oxford comma is without a doubt the most hotly debated grammar topic of all time. There have even been court cases about it. People argue constantly over whether or not you should use the Oxford comma. Here is the simple answer: I recommend always using it because there is never a time that using … Continue reading Why you should always use the Oxford comma

Mistakes writers make when trying to get published

I’ve made a lot of mistakes as a writer.  When I was first trying to get my writing published, I had no clue what I was doing. And this was back in the day when the majority of publications only accepted submissions via mail, so every mistake I made cost me time, stamps, envelopes, and … Continue reading Mistakes writers make when trying to get published

Why do people say I’s? Please don’t ever use this abomination of a word.

We're about to talk about the worse grammatical mistake in history. There’s a funny thing about possessive pronouns. They don’t use apostrophes. Even the ones that end in 's.' Here are the possessives pronouns you probably use a lot: Mine, yours, theirs, ours, his, hers, whose. Oh, and then there are these things called possessive … Continue reading Why do people say I’s? Please don’t ever use this abomination of a word.

How to Get Over Writer’s Block – 17 Proven Tips

Beat writer's block right now with these 15 proven tips

Whether you’re a brand new writer or a seasoned veteran with a handful of bestsellers to your name, there’s one thing that’s inevitable: writer’s block. Every writer struggles with writer’s block. Even great writers deal with this dreaded condition. Whether you’re writing for work or pleasure, writer’s block can set in at nearly any time … Continue reading How to Get Over Writer’s Block – 17 Proven Tips