How to Pick Your Writing Niche – And Why You Need One

Last Updated on February 18, 2024 by Nathaniel Tower

When I tell people I have a writing blog, the most common question I get asked (other than how much money I make from it) is, what is your niche?

Wait a minute. I said it’s a writing blog. Doesn’t that count as my niche?

While writing about writing is technically a niche in itself, it’s a pretty broad one. A good writing niche has a more specific target and purpose.

I define my writing niche, at least from the perspective of my blog, as “writing about how to get your writing published.”

Sure, some of my posts might help you become a better writer, but the main purpose of this blog is to help writers get their short stories published.

Now, to do that, I cover a lot of topics, but they almost all loosely tie back to making it easier for fiction writers to create, edit, and submit publishable work.

Of course, as a fiction writer, I have my own niche as well. I mostly write weird, genre-defying shit that very few people actually want to read. But I enjoy it, so that’s all that matters, right? Well, not if you’re trying to make money, but that’s another story completely.

Okay, let’s focus on the topic of writing niches and why you need one. Actually, before we do that, let’s talk about just what the heck a writing niche is.

What Is a Writing Niche?

In simple terms, a writing niche is a distinct subject, genre, or theme that a writer focuses on consistently. It is like finding your literary identity amidst the vast sea of writing possibilities. Just like how a specialist in a medical field possesses in-depth knowledge of a particular area, a writer with a niche demonstrates expertise and authority in a specific domain of writing. Having a niche allows you to establish a brand for yourself, attract a dedicated audience, and enhance your credibility as a writer.

The Importance of Having a Writing Niche

Before you pick a writing niche, I’m going to take a moment to convince you why you need one. Here is the short version – a writing niche allows you to reach a specific audience and become an expert in that area. Let’s develop that out a bit.

Stand Out from the Crowd: In an era where content creation is at its peak for both human creators and AI, having a writing niche sets you apart from the sea of generalists. Readers are more likely to remember and seek out a writer with a specialized focus. Of course, to accomplish this, you have to be very specialized. Remember the intro. We’ll come back to this when we talk about common niches.

Build Authority and Credibility: When you consistently produce high-quality content in a specific niche, you become an authority in that field. People trust your expertise, and this trust leads to a loyal following. If you try to write about everything, you will have no expertise. As they say, jack of all trades and mater of none.

Connect with Your Audience: Writing about topics that genuinely interest you allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Your passion will shine through your words, engaging and resonating with your readers. If you don’t care about your niche, your audience will see through you and find no reason to come back to your site.

Ease of Marketing: With a clear writing niche, your marketing efforts become more targeted and effective. You can easily identify your target audience and cater your content to meet their specific needs and preferences. It’s a lot easier to market your site to short story writers than to all writers everywhere in the world.

Enhanced Skill Development: Focusing on a particular niche allows you to hone your writing skills in that area. You become more proficient and knowledgeable, which translates to better and more impactful content. If you want to be really good at something you need to do it a lot.

Another common benefit of having a writing niche is it helps you to overcome writer’s block. When you have a well-defined area of expertise for your writing, you are less likely to get stumped.

Hold on a second. If my writing niche is helping short story writers get published, then why am I writing a post about writing niches?

Well, it’s important for short story writers to think about niches as well. This will help them find the right publications to submit to, and it will improve their chances of getting published so they can sell those short stories.

That said, this post could be for any writer.

Common Writing Niches

Focusing on a common writing niche has some pros and cons. On the positive side, common niches generally have much larger audiences, so you have more potential to reach a lot of people. Of course, the downside is they tend to be pretty competitive. Let’s take a look at some common writing niches that have plenty of readership:

Health and Wellness: This niche encompasses a broad range of topics, such as fitness, nutrition, mental health, and holistic wellness. Writers in this niche often provide advice, tips, and insights to help readers lead healthier and happier lives.

Technology and Gadgets: As technology continues to shape our world, this niche remains in high demand. Writers in this field explore the latest gadgets, tech trends, and software, offering detailed reviews and guides.

Personal Finance: In this niche, writers share their expertise on budgeting, investing, saving, and building financial security. Their content empowers readers to make informed decisions about money matters.

Travel and Adventure: Travel writers transport readers to far-off destinations, sharing experiences, tips, and cultural insights. This niche appeals to wanderlust-driven individuals seeking inspiration for their next adventure.

Parenting and Family: Parenting writers address the challenges and joys of raising children, offering guidance, support, and relatable anecdotes to fellow parents.

Self-Improvement and Personal Development: Writers in this niche empower readers to achieve personal growth, build self-confidence, and lead fulfilling lives.

Fantasy and Sci-Fi: For lovers of imagination, this niche involves creating worlds, characters, and stories that captivate readers in the realms of fantasy and science fiction.

Food and Culinary Arts: Food writers share recipes, culinary tips, and reviews, catering to food enthusiasts and aspiring chefs alike.

Making Sure Your Niche Isn’t Too Broad

If you are looking for popularity, all of those niches are great places to start, but I suggest you get more specific.

Remember how my blog is not “writing about writing.” Rather, it’s “writing about how to get short stories published.”

Now that’s a niche.

Let’s do a few more examples.

Health and wellness is more of a broad topic. Get more specific when you pick your niche. For example, instead of writing about anything related to health and wellness, write about running for people with arthritis. That’s a niche that has some legs. It’s specific enough that you can be successful, and it’s popular enough that you can get good readership.

If you are thinking of just starting a finance blog, you are going to have a very tough time breaking through all the competition. But if you start a blog for stay-at-home parents looking to find ways to earn side income and keep the kids entertained all day without breaking the bank, then you still have a huge audience and a lot fewer direct competitors.

Discovering Your Writing Niche

Now that you understand the significance of a writing niche and have explored some common niches, it’s time to embark on a journey of self-discovery to find your own literary path. Here are some steps to guide you in this process:

Reflect on Your Interests and Passions: Take some time to think about the subjects that genuinely excite you. Consider your hobbies, interests, and the topics you find yourself naturally gravitating toward. Writing about what you love will make the creative process more enjoyable and authentic. If you’ve never run before, don’t start a writing blog. If you suck with money, you should get good at it before you create that finance blog. If you don’t have kids and aren’t professionally trained in parenting matters, then don’t decide that parenting will be your niche.

Assess Your Knowledge and Expertise: Analyze your skills, experiences, and expertise in various areas. You might have professional experience or academic qualifications that could be a foundation for your niche. A solid knowledge base will give you the confidence to produce well-researched and informative content.

Identify Your Unique Perspective: Your voice and perspective are essential in establishing a writing niche. Think about what makes your perspective unique and how you can bring a fresh angle to a particular subject or genre. This is really important so you don’t sound like everyone else who is writing about the topic.

Consider Audience Demand: While it’s crucial to write about topics you are passionate about, it’s equally important to consider whether there is an audience demand for your chosen niche. Conduct market research to understand if there is a need for content in your desired domain. As you’re thinking about demand, also think about your goal. You won’t get rich from choosing a writing niche that has no audience (such as my weird, genre-defying shit fiction).

Experiment and Explore: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different niches and writing styles. Write articles, blog posts, or short stories in various areas to see what resonates with you and your audience.

Seek Feedback: Share your writing with friends, family, or online writing communities to gather feedback. Constructive criticism can help you improve and identify the niche where you excel.

Stay Open to Evolution: Remember that your writing niche may evolve over time. As you grow as a writer and gain more experiences, your interests and expertise might expand or shift. Embrace the changes and adapt your niche accordingly.

Final Thoughts on Writing Niches

Discovering your writing niche is a journey of self-exploration and creative expression. It’s about identifying your passions, strengths, and unique perspective to craft content that truly resonates with both you and your audience. By having a clear writing niche, you can stand out in the vast literary landscape, build authority, and create a loyal readership. Embrace the process, stay open to growth, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of becoming an exceptional and distinctive writer. Happy writing!

How to pick your writing niche

Why you must pick a writing niche - and how to pick one

3 thoughts on “How to Pick Your Writing Niche – And Why You Need One

  1. Yes choosing the road less trodden will definitely brings traffic. Finding that niche, may be difficult which is chosen very less but would definitely brings all the related traffic. I’ll positively share this article with my team of Digiupdates

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