When it comes to the question of do estheticians stand a lot at work, the answer is absolutely, estheticians indeed stand a lot at work.

Do estheticians have to stand a lot at work?

Yes, of course they do. They are on their feet almost all day. It’s hard to do the work of an esthetician from a chair or stool.

What exactly is an esthetician?

Estheticians are also known as skin care specialists. They are professionals who perform a wide variety of beauty-enhancing tasks such as cleansing, exfoliating, waxing, lasering, moisturizing, and applying makeup. All of these procedures are designed to enhance the overall beauty of an individual. To do this work, an esthetician has to be on his or her feet almost the entire day. Can you imagine waxing while sitting? Not going to happen!

So how much exactly do estheticians stand at work?

It’s not uncommon for an esthetician to stand for almost an entire shift. This could be as much as eight hours in a day. Of course, an esthetician may sit during a consultation or during some other simple procedures. However, most of the time will be on your feet!


Note: This page is for experimental purposes only. If you are considering becoming an esthetician, you should consult with professionals.