Creating A Realistic Character With Glasses

character with glasses

When creating a character, their appearance is a useful nonverbal means of informing the reader or viewer about who they are. This can move their story forward, establish key elements of their persona, and even provide hints about their backstory and motivations. It helps mold them into a real, tangible character regardless of what sort … Continue reading Creating A Realistic Character With Glasses

How to use semicolons without trying too hard to be cool

How to use a semicolon properly

Semicolons: because sometimes a period just seems too final, and a comma doesn’t always pull its weight. Semicolons are here to step in when you’ve got two complete thoughts that are way too dependent on each other to be split apart, but you’re also not ready for them to go off on their own. It’s … Continue reading How to use semicolons without trying too hard to be cool

Why you should always use the Oxford comma

The Oxford comma is without a doubt the most hotly debated grammar topic of all time. There have even been court cases about it. People argue constantly over whether or not you should use the Oxford comma. Here is the simple answer: I recommend always using it because there is never a time that using … Continue reading Why you should always use the Oxford comma

Everyday vs Every Day. Is Everyday One Word or Two?

When to use every day versus everyday

Aside from apostrophes placed where they don’t belong, my top grammatical pet peeve is misusing “everyday” and “every day.” It’s probably a bit irrational, but it grinds my gears beyond belief. Hell, I’ve even stopped using products after finding this error on the packaging. This is one of the few mistakes I see on a … Continue reading Everyday vs Every Day. Is Everyday One Word or Two?