9 Ways to Become a Better Writer

9 ways to become a better writer

Being a good writer isn’t easy. While some people seem to be naturally good writers, every proficient writer has to develop their skills through years of practice. On the other hand, some people seem like bad writers who just can’t craft a good sentence if their life depended on it. Fortunately, everyone can become a … Continue reading 9 Ways to Become a Better Writer

Why you should never buy cheap content writing for your website

Why you should never invest in cheap content writing

Lately, I’ve seen a massive increase in the number of ads in my Facebook feed offering cheap content writing services. Granted, it’s probably my own fault for engaging with some of these ads, but it still makes me sick to see all these phony companies taking advantage of both customers and writers. I’m here to … Continue reading Why you should never buy cheap content writing for your website

Everyday vs Every Day. Is Everyday One Word or Two?

When to use every day versus everyday

Aside from apostrophes placed where they don’t belong, my top grammatical pet peeve is misusing “everyday” and “every day.” It’s probably a bit irrational, but it grinds my gears beyond belief. Hell, I’ve even stopped using products after finding this error on the packaging. This is one of the few mistakes I see on a … Continue reading Everyday vs Every Day. Is Everyday One Word or Two?

Simultaneous Submissions: What Writers Need to Know

What are simultaneous submissions and why writers shouldn't overdo them

When reading submission guidelines, one of my biggest turn-offs as a writer is the dreaded "NO SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS." This is especially true for those publications with notoriously long response times. Who are these editors to demand an exclusive look at your piece? Would you apply for a job if the employer said you couldn't apply … Continue reading Simultaneous Submissions: What Writers Need to Know

Should I Give My Fiction Away for Free to Get Exposure?

Should fiction writers give away their stories for exposure_

Fiction writers spend countless hours crafting a single story. I don't need to go into the details about the painstaking process involved in perfecting a story down to each and every word. So what's the payoff for all this effort? When your story is finally "ready for publication," there's always the question of what exactly … Continue reading Should I Give My Fiction Away for Free to Get Exposure?

4 Signs It’s Time to Give Up on Your Short Story

4 signs it's time to give up on your work-in-progress

Writers have to be resilient. With as often as we get rejected and as much as we face obstacles like writer's block, we have to pick ourselves up off the floor and get back behind the keyboard all the time. However, we also sometimes have to throw in the proverbial towel. As someone who once … Continue reading 4 Signs It’s Time to Give Up on Your Short Story

How to get a job as a copywriter

There are lots of copywriter jobs out there. But there are a lot more candidates than available positions. So how do you stand out and get a job as a copywriter? Any time I post a position for a new copywriter, I’m immediately flooded with applicants. Many of them have no relevant writing experience, but … Continue reading How to get a job as a copywriter

How to write a short story in 5 easy steps

How to write a short story in 5 easy steps

Back when I was a high school English teacher, I required my Sophomore students to give a how-to speech as a major part of their final grade. The purpose was to teach them how to speak in front of people, how to communicate, and how to give clear directions. As you can imagine, the speeches … Continue reading How to write a short story in 5 easy steps

What you should do when a publication asks you to submit again

What to do when a publication asks you to submit again

As a writer, nothing is better than an acceptance. And nothing is worse than a rejection. Of course, sometimes a rejection includes a bit of silver lining that might soften the blow a little. This comes in the form of an invitation to submit again. But what does a publication really mean when they ask … Continue reading What you should do when a publication asks you to submit again

Why writers must track submissions carefully – FREE template included

Why writers must track submissions - FREE template included

Submitting your writing is both an art and a science. There’s a lot more to it then making a lasting impression on the editor. You also need to create a submission strategy that will help you get more acceptances and fewer rejections. At the heart of your submission strategy is the way you track your … Continue reading Why writers must track submissions carefully – FREE template included