The Dangers of Being a School Teacher and a Writer

As a writer, I've never been a fan of censorship. As an English teacher, I wasn't a fan of it either. I've said just about everything in the classroom, including "shit", "fuck", and more. Hell, I once told a student to "scissor me" (disclaimer: I was asking her to hand me the scissors and had … Continue reading The Dangers of Being a School Teacher and a Writer

5 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Writing Career

Let's get straight to the point: if you're reading this, then you aren't a best-selling author. Heck, you might not have even made your first sale yet. Luckily, there's still plenty of time for you to turn your writing career around. You might blame the publishers, the industry, or maybe even James Franco for your … Continue reading 5 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Writing Career

Kilts and Historical Fiction: An Interview with Sam Snoek-Brown

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with the kilt-wearing, novel-writing bad-ass Samuel Snoek-Brown. We chatted about his affinity for kilts, why fiction writers do research, and some book that's coming out soon. NT: Let's get straight to what everyone wants to know: how much of Hagridden did you write while wearing a kilt? … Continue reading Kilts and Historical Fiction: An Interview with Sam Snoek-Brown

5 Signs of a Bad Editor: How to Spot a Sucky Editor

5 signs you're working with a bad editor

In the literary world, editors have a big job. Or at least they are supposed to. They are responsible for proofing, editing, formatting, and more. Sure, you did all the hard work when you wrote the story, but they make the story presentable. A great story can be marred by typos and other errors that … Continue reading 5 Signs of a Bad Editor: How to Spot a Sucky Editor

Know Why You’re Submitting Your Writing

Why you need to have goals before you submit your writing

While some writers choose to hoard the majority of their work, most prefer to seek publication. I certainly fall into the latter category. As a short story writer, I have written approximately 500 "completed" stories in the past ten years. About half of these stories have been published. About one-fourth have been moved into a … Continue reading Know Why You’re Submitting Your Writing

7 Book Marketing Strategies Guaranteed Not to Lead to Sales

7 Book Marketing Mistakes that are costing you sales

So your book just came out. Congratulations. Now the hard work really begins. Here are my guaranteed-not-to-work book marketing strategies.   1. Log in to Facebook and Twitter once per day and post a link accompanied by "BUY MY BOOK" (in all caps, of course). On Facebook, post this on your wall and in every … Continue reading 7 Book Marketing Strategies Guaranteed Not to Lead to Sales