7 Editing Tips to Make Your Stories Better

7 editing tips for better stories

For many writers, the editing process produces mixed feelings. Okay, perhaps that was an understatement. Editing is often a tedious chore that takes us away from accomplishing other things (like writing more stories). On the other hand, this necessary chore can often be an enjoyable experience. It allows us to relive the story, to experience … Continue reading 7 Editing Tips to Make Your Stories Better

Grinding It Out: Nathaniel Tower Interviews the Masterminds Behind The (Submission) Grinder

A few days ago, thanks to a post on the Write 1 Sub 1 page, I learned of a great new resource for writers called The Grinder. The (Submission) Grinder, as it is more properly called, carries the slogan "Milling your submissions into something useful," and it follows in the footsteps of the acclaimed Duotrope's … Continue reading Grinding It Out: Nathaniel Tower Interviews the Masterminds Behind The (Submission) Grinder

Unmasking a Liar: Nathaniel Tower Interviews CS DeWildt

Today I have the pleasure of uncovering some details about one of my favorite writers. CS DeWildt has been on my reading list ever since he first submitted "The Bull" to Bartleby Snopes a little over three years ago. After reading his novella Candy and Cigarettes (Vagabond Press, 2011), I was hooked and had to … Continue reading Unmasking a Liar: Nathaniel Tower Interviews CS DeWildt

Publishing Dreams and Nightmares: Susan Tepper v. The Big Six

Most writers dream of making it big, of signing that book deal that will let them quit their day jobs and do nothing but sit around and write. Many writers have the delusion that once they get a foot in the door of a big publisher, the rest will be gravy. Those big-time publishers do … Continue reading Publishing Dreams and Nightmares: Susan Tepper v. The Big Six

Self-Publishing Success: Alex M. Pruteanu Discusses Writing Promotion

One of the most difficult tasks as a writer, perhaps even more difficult than writing, editing, submitting, or getting accepted, is the art of promotion. In today's publishing world, whether you self-publish or are lucky enough to catch a break with a bigger publishing house, most of the promotion is on you, the writer. So … Continue reading Self-Publishing Success: Alex M. Pruteanu Discusses Writing Promotion

Grammar and Language Problems Every Writer Should Avoid

Whenever I think of grammar and the English language, I picture John Goodman's character from The Big Lebowski shouting, "Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?" Now, I'm not one to threaten someone with a gun over a little mistake, but I do have my fair share of … Continue reading Grammar and Language Problems Every Writer Should Avoid

Subscription Success! An Interview with Duotrope’s Digest

If you have much familiarity with the business of writing and submitting, you know that Duotrope's Digest, one of the most popular resources for writers, recently switched to a paid subscription model for most of its services. I recently had the pleasure of chatting with the Duotrope staff regarding the success of this shift, as … Continue reading Subscription Success! An Interview with Duotrope’s Digest

Writing the Devil Out: An Interview with Meg Pokrass

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Meg Pokrass. If you've spent much time reading on the internet, surely you've come across some of Meg's work. During our interview, Meg shared a deeply personal and inspiring story about her pre-writing life. Meg, you are a prolific writer and a well-respected member of the writing and … Continue reading Writing the Devil Out: An Interview with Meg Pokrass

The Unacceptance

Last night, for at least the third time in my writing career, I received the dreaded unacceptance. The unacceptance may be the only thing worse than the rejection. For those who don't know, the unacceptance happens when an editor/publisher decides not to use your story after issuing an acceptance email. Sometimes it happens after rounds … Continue reading The Unacceptance

Choose Your Publications Wisely

Writers love getting published. It may be the one thing we like more than writing. Nothing makes us happier than opening the inbox and reading the acceptance emails that let us know someone likes our work. Well, we're probably happier when we actually see the story online, and even happier if/when we hold a copy … Continue reading Choose Your Publications Wisely