15 Super Simple Writing Tips to Inspire You to Write

15 super simple writing tips every writer needs to read

Every writer from a best-selling author to a struggling amateur goes through the same issues when it comes to writing. You have self-doubt. You get writer’s block. You hate what you just wrote. You think you’ll never achieve your writing dreams.  The good news is, all of these things are temporary and fixable, provided you … Continue reading 15 Super Simple Writing Tips to Inspire You to Write

How to Submit a Short Story

How to submit your short story

Getting your short story published is often more difficult than actually writing the story. Even with thousands of literary magazines accepting short stories for publication, you still have less than a 10% chance of getting your story published any time you submit. Unless you know exactly how to submit a short story. With a smart … Continue reading How to Submit a Short Story

Which literary magazines should you submit to? A guide to evaluating lit mags

Which literary magazines should you submit to_

There are thousands of literary magazines accepting short story or poetry submissions right now. For writers, this means a lot of opportunity. It also means a lot of questions. Here are some of those questions you're probably asking right now about where you should send your writing for publication: Which publications are worth submitting to? … Continue reading Which literary magazines should you submit to? A guide to evaluating lit mags

Stop Letting These Excuses Get in the Way of Your Writing

5 writing excuses you need to stop using now

Writers are supposed to write, right? Then why do so many writers often struggle with actually getting it done? It seems like many writers spend more time complaining about how they aren’t writing than they do on writing. In reality, the time we are spending on our excuses is preventing us from reaching our writing … Continue reading Stop Letting These Excuses Get in the Way of Your Writing

How Writers Should Respond to Negative Comments & Reviews

How writers should respond to negative comments

If you're a writer and you've had the fortune of having your work published, you've also probably been the victim of negativity. If you haven't yet, I promise you eventually will. This is true whether you self-publish, get a big book deal, or simply write for a small blog. Someone out there is going to … Continue reading How Writers Should Respond to Negative Comments & Reviews

The Worst Ways To End A Short Story

The worst ways to end a short story

If you really want to simplify things, a short story consists of three components: a beginning, a middle, and an ending. It’s tough to argue which of these components is the most important: Beginning - You have to hook the reader right away or they aren’t going to read your story. (Check out this article … Continue reading The Worst Ways To End A Short Story

Should You Hire An Editor To Review Your Manuscript?

6 Signs You Need To Hire An Editor For Your Manuscript

You’ve completed your manuscript. Time to celebrate, right? Not so fast. There’s still the whole “getting it published” thing you need to worry about. Finishing a manuscript is certainly a huge accomplishment in its own right. But you didn’t spend countless hours typing away so your manuscript could gather virtual dust. You want someone to … Continue reading Should You Hire An Editor To Review Your Manuscript?

10 Things You Should Never Say In Your Cover Letter

10 Things You Should Never Say In Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is arguably the least important part of a writing submission, but it can have a big impact on whether or not a piece is rejected. It’s easy to argue the merit of your writing should stand on its own independent of a cover letter, and many editors don’t even look at the … Continue reading 10 Things You Should Never Say In Your Cover Letter