How to get a short story published

People often ask me how I've managed to get so many short stories published. Getting a short story published is surprisingly not that difficult—as long as you have a good story and put some effort into your submission process. Even mediocre stories have a decent chance of getting published with the right submission strategy. However, … Continue reading How to get a short story published

The 6 most important things to consider before submitting your work to a publication

A good submission strategy requires significant time and thought. There’s certainly a lot more to it than sending your poetry or fiction to every single publication you stumble upon. Unless you want to be rejected constantly or end up with a bunch of bad publications, you need to be selective. You need to make sure … Continue reading The 6 most important things to consider before submitting your work to a publication

10 biggest pet peeves of lit mag editors

Lit mag editors are under a lot of stress. We have to read a ton of submissions, and we usually don’t get paid anything. And we’re doing that while balancing our full-time jobs, our families, and our own writing. So give us a break from time to time. Here are the 10 biggest pet peeves … Continue reading 10 biggest pet peeves of lit mag editors

How to Write a Great Author Bio with Free Template

how to write an author bio

The author bio is a highly important part of being published, right? Well, yes and no. Yes because you usually need one, and you should make it good because anyone who reads your story will presumably see it. On the other hand, the author bio almost never has any bearing on whether or not you … Continue reading How to Write a Great Author Bio with Free Template

Should I Resubmit a Story or Poem That’s Been Rejected?

No. Okay, maybe that was a little too curt of a response. So let's dig into the topic a bit. I often see writers asking if they should resubmit a story or poem that's been rejected. Typically, they are talking about making revisions first and then sending it back to the publication. Most writers know … Continue reading Should I Resubmit a Story or Poem That’s Been Rejected?

Bringing Back Your Un-published Work

Publication is one of the most exciting things that can happen to a writer. But what happens when those publications go out of print or disappear from online archives? It's a lousy feeling when you find out a publication of yours is no longer available. It feels like a lot of hard work down the … Continue reading Bringing Back Your Un-published Work

Submissions A to Z: A complete glossary of terms you need to know when sending out your writing

Getting your fiction or poetry published is hard work. But if you've done your homework, the process gets a lot easier. Here's a complete list of terms you need to know if you plan to submit your work for publication. Acceptance - When a publication decides to publish your work. An acceptance is often accompanied … Continue reading Submissions A to Z: A complete glossary of terms you need to know when sending out your writing

Proper Short Story Format with Free Short Story Template

Knowing how to format your short story is the first step to getting published. No matter how great your story is, it doesn't stand a chance if you don't format it in a way that's easy to read and clearly tells a publisher you know what you're doing.  Download your free short story template Want … Continue reading Proper Short Story Format with Free Short Story Template

5 Types of Rejection that Drive Every Writer Nuts

5 types of rejection every writer hates

We all know that getting rejected is part of being a writer. But that doesn’t mean we're immune to getting upset by a rejection. Having a story or poem rejected can elicit a wide range of emotions including disappointment, frustration, self-doubt, self-pity, anger, and more. Of course, we can also learn from rejections, and they … Continue reading 5 Types of Rejection that Drive Every Writer Nuts

How to Get Your Story or Poem Unpublished


An acceptance is pretty much the best thing a writer can get, right? After all, that’s why we take the time to send out our work. There’s nothing more exciting than opening an email from an editor or publisher and reading the words, “we loved your submission and would like to publish it.” It’s the … Continue reading How to Get Your Story or Poem Unpublished