Stop Letting These Excuses Get in the Way of Your Writing

Last Updated on June 28, 2020 by Nathaniel Tower

Writers are supposed to write, right? Then why do so many writers often struggle with actually getting it done?

It seems like many writers spend more time complaining about how they aren’t writing than they do on writing. In reality, the time we are spending on our excuses is preventing us from reaching our writing dreams.

As writers, there are millions of excuses that get in our way. At the end of the day, they are all just excuses. If you want to be a writer, the most important thing you have to do is write. It’s time to put all these excuses aside so you can be a successful writer.

Here are the biggest excuses writers use that keep them from writing.

I don’t have anything to write about.

Of course you have something to write about. You’ve lived a life full of things worth writing about. The world around you is full of things to write about. Just pick a topic and start writing!

If you can’t pick your own topic, then try one of these great short story ideas.

I have writer’s block.

We all have writer’s block from time to time. It’s a real thing. But it’s also something that’s easy to overcome. You just have to use the right techniques. If you sit around and complain about writer’s block, you’ll never write anything.

Check out these tips for overcoming writer’s block.

I’m not a good enough writer.

If you aren’t a good enough writer, it’s because you aren’t spending enough time writing. While we can’t all be bestselling authors, we can all become good writers. If you constantly tell yourself that you’re not a good writer, then you won’t be one. Push out the negative thoughts and focus on writing something great.

I don’t have enough time to write.

Time is at a premium for everyone. It’s all about time management. If you think you don’t have enough time to write, then you need to evaluate where you’re spending all your time. What can you cut out? How many hours did you spend on social media this past week? Which Netflix series are you binging right now? Surely you can find some extra time to write. Yes, you might have to sacrifice something, but if writing is really your dream, then it’s worth cutting something else out of your everyday life.

I’ll never reach my writing goals, so I shouldn’t bother to write.

You can’t reach your writing goals if you don’t write. As Wayne Gretzky (and later, Micheal Scott) once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” So take your shot! Write your short story, poem, or novel, and then submit it for publication. If you get rejected, at least you’ll be able to say you tried. If you don’t try at all, you’ll live with regret for the rest of your life.

Final thoughts on writing excuses

Writers are some of the best excuse-makers in the world. Unfortunately, no matter how creative our excuses are, they don’t help us become better writers.

It’s time to eliminate these excuses from our vocabulary and get back to doing what we (should) do best: write!

What writing excuses do you use? How have you overcome writing excuses? Share your thoughts in the comments. And don’t forget to share this post on your favorite networks.

5 writing excuses you need to stop using now

These are the worst reasons you aren't writing right now

3 thoughts on “Stop Letting These Excuses Get in the Way of Your Writing

  1. Hi, Nathaniel. There are many reasons why people don’t write. As a person who likes to write I would like to add one more “excuse” on this list: writing anxiety, that paralyzing fear that doesn’t let your brain process the words and eventually makes you give up. Remember that old song:”words don’t come easy to me…”? I think the biggest lesson I learned is that defeating these fears is a hard thing to do, but it’s worth it.

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