3 Reasons Your Writing Hasn’t Been Published Yet

3 reasons you haven't been published yet

Having your writing published is a huge accomplishment. Whether we’re talking about a short story published in an online journal or a big book deal, any publication is a big deal and should make you proud. Having your writing rejected, on the other hand, can leave you frustrated and make you think you aren’t good … Continue reading 3 Reasons Your Writing Hasn’t Been Published Yet

Music to listen to while you write: 10 albums that inspire me to write better

Music to help you be a better writer

While some people prefer to write in complete silence, others depend on music or some other background noise to help motivate them and keep them focused. I’m in the latter camp. I love listening to music, but it has to be the right kind of music for my particular mood or writing task. If you’re … Continue reading Music to listen to while you write: 10 albums that inspire me to write better

9 Ways to Become a Better Writer

9 ways to become a better writer

Being a good writer isn’t easy. While some people seem to be naturally good writers, every proficient writer has to develop their skills through years of practice. On the other hand, some people seem like bad writers who just can’t craft a good sentence if their life depended on it. Fortunately, everyone can become a … Continue reading 9 Ways to Become a Better Writer

The one thing you absolutely must do to drive more organic traffic to your website

This post is going to be so stupidly simple that it’s going to blow your mind. If you want to drive more organic traffic to your website, there is one thing you absolutely must do above all other tactics: CREATE MORE CONTENT! Wow, it felt really good to get that off my chest. Seriously, it’s … Continue reading The one thing you absolutely must do to drive more organic traffic to your website

How to Write Dialogue with Good and Bad Dialogue Examples

How to write great dialogue

If you want to be a great storyteller, you have to know how to write dialogue. I’m about to make a shocking confession: sometimes when I’m reading a book, I’ll start skimming. And when I skim, I often will pass quickly through large blocks of narrative in search of dialogue. Thankfully, the dialogue will usually … Continue reading How to Write Dialogue with Good and Bad Dialogue Examples

9 Things You Can Do When You Don’t Feel Like Writing

9 things to do when you don't feel like writing

I recently saw this pseudo-inspirational quote on Facebook: “If I only wrote when I felt like writing, I’d never write anything.” There’s a fair amount of true to this. How often do you really feel like writing? Unfortunately for me, the answer is not enough. More often than not, I'd rather fritter and waste the … Continue reading 9 Things You Can Do When You Don’t Feel Like Writing

Why you should never buy cheap content writing for your website

Why you should never invest in cheap content writing

Lately, I’ve seen a massive increase in the number of ads in my Facebook feed offering cheap content writing services. Granted, it’s probably my own fault for engaging with some of these ads, but it still makes me sick to see all these phony companies taking advantage of both customers and writers. I’m here to … Continue reading Why you should never buy cheap content writing for your website

Everyday vs Every Day. Is Everyday One Word or Two?

When to use every day versus everyday

Aside from apostrophes placed where they don’t belong, my top grammatical pet peeve is misusing “everyday” and “every day.” It’s probably a bit irrational, but it grinds my gears beyond belief. Hell, I’ve even stopped using products after finding this error on the packaging. This is one of the few mistakes I see on a … Continue reading Everyday vs Every Day. Is Everyday One Word or Two?