6 Things You Must Do Every Time You Publish a Blog Post

6 things to do after you publish your blog post

Many writers and bloggers make the mistake of thinking they are done with a blog post as soon as they've written the final word, given it a quick once-over, and hit the publish button. While this can work for some bloggers who have a massive following, it certainly isn't the best approach to maximizing the … Continue reading 6 Things You Must Do Every Time You Publish a Blog Post

Shorten Text with these 5 Best Online Text Summarizing Tools

summarize header

Summary writing is an essential part of any piece of content. Whether you're writing a research paper or a blog post, you'll always have to present a concise version of it for your reader's convenience. That's why you need to know how to shorten text in your writing. But how can writers create an accurate … Continue reading Shorten Text with these 5 Best Online Text Summarizing Tools

4 Things Every Blogger Should Be Tracking in Google Analytics 4

4 Things Every Blogger Should Be Tracking in Google Analytics 4

If you want to be successful as a blogger, you really only need two things: Website traffic Engagement Okay, that’s obviously a massive oversimplification, but as long as you keep having people come to your website and they keep interacting with your content, affiliate links, ads, and offers, then you are on the path to … Continue reading 4 Things Every Blogger Should Be Tracking in Google Analytics 4

The one thing you absolutely must do to drive more organic traffic to your website

This post is going to be so stupidly simple that it’s going to blow your mind. If you want to drive more organic traffic to your website, there is one thing you absolutely must do above all other tactics: CREATE MORE CONTENT! Wow, it felt really good to get that off my chest. Seriously, it’s … Continue reading The one thing you absolutely must do to drive more organic traffic to your website

Why you absolutely must self-host your WordPress blog

4 reasons you must self-host your wordpress blog if you want to be successful

I started my first WordPress blog in 2012. Prior to that, I had been using a static HTML website for several years, so I certainly knew my way around a website. In fact, I think anyone who hasn’t built or managed a static HTML site is missing out. Not that I would recommend anyone actually … Continue reading Why you absolutely must self-host your WordPress blog

How and why to remove dates from your permalinks

Everything you need to know about changing your permalinks on wordpress

Every website owner wants to get as much traffic as possible. One of the best ways to get traffic is by ranking well in organic search results. Easier said than done. There are hundreds of ranking factors, so no single thing you do is going to get you to number one on Google. However, anything … Continue reading How and why to remove dates from your permalinks

5 lies bloggers tell you about blogging

5 big lies bloggers tell you about blogging

If you’re a blogger or an aspiring blogger, you’ve undoubtedly seen countless blog posts telling you how you can achieve amazing things as a blogger. Hell, I even wrote one myself, although it was a complete joke that shouldn’t have fooled anyone. While my post was pretty obviously full of lies, most people who blog … Continue reading 5 lies bloggers tell you about blogging

Am I a Good Writer? 7 Signs You’re a Master

7 Signs You're a Good Writer

I recently received an email with the subject line “Are you a good writer?” The email didn’t come out of the blue. It was an email blast from a blog I had recently subscribed to. Side note: Dammit, I just ended a sentence with a preposition. Does that mean I’m not any good at writing? … Continue reading Am I a Good Writer? 7 Signs You’re a Master