MFAsplaining and how it hurts writers everywhere

Meet the MFAsplainer, the writer with an MFA who looks down on all other writers

Most writers are good people, regardless of what their credentials are. I have a lot of friends who are writers. A fair number of them have an MFA in writing. They’re all awesome people and great writers. I also know a lot of people in the writing community who don't have an MFA. Most of … Continue reading MFAsplaining and how it hurts writers everywhere

How to get a job as a copywriter

There are lots of copywriter jobs out there. But there are a lot more candidates than available positions. So how do you stand out and get a job as a copywriter? Any time I post a position for a new copywriter, I’m immediately flooded with applicants. Many of them have no relevant writing experience, but … Continue reading How to get a job as a copywriter

The one word you should almost always delete from your writing if you want to look like a professional

Delete this one word from your writing if you want to look like a professional writer

I’m not a big fan of universal writing rules. I don’t believe in deleting all adverbs from your writing. And there are plenty of writing tips I think you can safely ignore. But there is one thing I’m pretty adamant about when helping writers improve their craft (besides not abusing apostrophes). If you want to … Continue reading The one word you should almost always delete from your writing if you want to look like a professional

How to write a short story in 5 easy steps

How to write a short story in 5 easy steps

Back when I was a high school English teacher, I required my Sophomore students to give a how-to speech as a major part of their final grade. The purpose was to teach them how to speak in front of people, how to communicate, and how to give clear directions. As you can imagine, the speeches … Continue reading How to write a short story in 5 easy steps

What you should do when a publication asks you to submit again

What to do when a publication asks you to submit again

As a writer, nothing is better than an acceptance. And nothing is worse than a rejection. Of course, sometimes a rejection includes a bit of silver lining that might soften the blow a little. This comes in the form of an invitation to submit again. But what does a publication really mean when they ask … Continue reading What you should do when a publication asks you to submit again

Why writers must track submissions carefully – FREE template included

Why writers must track submissions - FREE template included

Submitting your writing is both an art and a science. There’s a lot more to it then making a lasting impression on the editor. You also need to create a submission strategy that will help you get more acceptances and fewer rejections. At the heart of your submission strategy is the way you track your … Continue reading Why writers must track submissions carefully – FREE template included

60 Reasons Your Writing Will Be Rejected

60 Reasons Your Writing Will Be Rejected

So, you've written a story. What now? Well, must be time to submit it for publication, right? Before you do, stop and think about whether this story is really ready to be accepted. What makes me an expert on this topic? Over the past 15 years, I've submitted my work over 1,500 times. This has … Continue reading 60 Reasons Your Writing Will Be Rejected

7 things published writers do differently

7 things published writers do differently

Being published isn’t the sign of a great writer, but it is the first step toward being a successful one. If you’ve been writing and sending out your work for awhile but haven’t been published yet, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not a good writer. It probably just means you aren’t doing all the little … Continue reading 7 things published writers do differently

57 Things I’ve Learned Not to Do As a Writer

57 things you should never do as a writer

The more you write, the more you learn about how to write. The more you "learn" about writing, the more you realize every writer thinks he or she is an expert. Ultimately, you end up with a lot of contradicting "facts" about what you should be doing to become a better writer (of course, better … Continue reading 57 Things I’ve Learned Not to Do As a Writer