Search Engine Optimization
This post is going to be so stupidly simple that it’s going to blow your mind. If you want to drive more organic traffic to your website, there is one thing you absolutely must do above all other tactics: CREATE MORE CONTENT! Wow, it felt really good to get that off my chest. Seriously, it’s … Continue reading The one thing you absolutely must do to drive more organic traffic to your website
Lately, I’ve seen a massive increase in the number of ads in my Facebook feed offering cheap content writing services. Granted, it’s probably my own fault for engaging with some of these ads, but it still makes me sick to see all these phony companies taking advantage of both customers and writers. I’m here to … Continue reading Why you should never buy cheap content writing for your website
I started my first WordPress blog in 2012. Prior to that, I had been using a static HTML website for several years, so I certainly knew my way around a website. In fact, I think anyone who hasn’t built or managed a static HTML site is missing out. Not that I would recommend anyone actually … Continue reading Why you absolutely must self-host your WordPress blog
Every website owner wants to get as much traffic as possible. One of the best ways to get traffic is by ranking well in organic search results. Easier said than done. There are hundreds of ranking factors, so no single thing you do is going to get you to number one on Google. However, anything … Continue reading How and why to remove dates from your permalinks
Authors have a lot on their plates. They have to be writers, editors, and promotional machines. Let’s add one more thing to the author toolbox: SEO. Before we get too far into things, let’s make it clear what this article is and what it isn’t. It’s meant to be a basic guide to search engine … Continue reading SEO Basics for Authors Who Don’t Want to Learn SEO