Do these 10 things every time you submit your writing and you’ll never be rejected again!

If you’re a writer, you either know rejection really well or you’ve never sent out your work. And if you’ve never sent out your work, then you’re not really a writer yet. In my opinion, you become a writer the first time you’re rejected. Rejection shapes who you are as a writer and is the … Continue reading Do these 10 things every time you submit your writing and you’ll never be rejected again!

Everything You Need to Know Before Entering a Writing Contest

Submitting to a writing contest can be a great opportunity. With prizes often in the thousands plus publication, there’s the chance for big money and big exposure. Of course, the odds aren’t in your favor. Any writing contest with a big prize purse is getting hundreds, if not thousands of submissions. If you want to … Continue reading Everything You Need to Know Before Entering a Writing Contest

10 Writing Resolutions Actually Worth Keeping

As we move into a new year, you’re probably honing in on some writing resolutions. But let’s do things a bit differently this year. Forget the stupid cliche shit like “I’m going to write every day” and “I’m going to finish and publish my novel.” Instead, let’s focus on things that will improve the literary … Continue reading 10 Writing Resolutions Actually Worth Keeping

Should You Write Every Day? Here’s What the Best Writers Do.

write every day

It’s possibly the oldest piece of writerly advice: write every day. If you want to be a great writer, you need to write every day, right? Just like if you want to be good at anything, you need to do it every day. Except for when you don’t. Let’s explore the positives and negatives of … Continue reading Should You Write Every Day? Here’s What the Best Writers Do.

What to Do with All Your Bad Writing

If you’re anything like me—and every other writer in the world—you’ve written your fair share of garbage. Stuff that makes you cringe. Stuff that no reputable or even halfway-reputable publication would even think about publishing. So let’s talk about what you’re supposed to do with all that junk. Wait, before we do that, let’s talk … Continue reading What to Do with All Your Bad Writing

How to Write a Blog Post that Will Generate Millions of Pageviews and Thousands of Shares

Every blogger dreams of creating that one piece of content that goes viral. And almost every blogger has been so confident in a piece they’ve written that they were ready to celebrate their success before they even published it. But almost all of those bloggers came back the next day to find their post had … Continue reading How to Write a Blog Post that Will Generate Millions of Pageviews and Thousands of Shares

Kill Your Darlings Meaning – What It Is And Why You Should Do It

How to kill your darlings and write a better story

Every story I’ve ever written has had at least one great sentence (that is to say all my stories have at least one sentence I think is just fabulous). Even my worst stories contain at least one nugget of infinite wisdom that makes me say, “Damn, this is brilliant! I’m a literary god.” But a … Continue reading Kill Your Darlings Meaning – What It Is And Why You Should Do It

SEO Basics for Authors Who Don’t Want to Learn SEO

Authors have a lot on their plates. They have to be writers, editors, and promotional machines. Let’s add one more thing to the author toolbox: SEO. Before we get too far into things, let’s make it clear what this article is and what it isn’t. It’s meant to be a basic guide to search engine … Continue reading SEO Basics for Authors Who Don’t Want to Learn SEO

8 Guaranteed Ways to Become a Best-Selling Author

I’ve never penned a bestseller but dammit, I’ve read a handful of them, so I know exactly what it takes to write one. Given the time and resources, I’d probably pump out dozens of them. I’d have myself a mansion with an enormous library, a leather chair, and one of those big ass ladders so … Continue reading 8 Guaranteed Ways to Become a Best-Selling Author

How to Write: A Seven-Step How-To Guide for Writers Who Don’t Feel Like Writing

How to write when you don't feel like writing

I haven’t written much lately, at least not personally. Most of my day is spent writing in an office which may explain, at least in part, why I’ve forsaken my fiction and personal blog writing so much as of late. I can easily fall back on the "I'm tired of writing" or "I don't have … Continue reading How to Write: A Seven-Step How-To Guide for Writers Who Don’t Feel Like Writing