Everyday vs Every Day. Is Everyday One Word or Two?

When to use every day versus everyday

Aside from apostrophes placed where they don’t belong, my top grammatical pet peeve is misusing “everyday” and “every day.” It’s probably a bit irrational, but it grinds my gears beyond belief. Hell, I’ve even stopped using products after finding this error on the packaging. This is one of the few mistakes I see on a … Continue reading Everyday vs Every Day. Is Everyday One Word or Two?

Biggest Mistakes New Writers Make…And How to Fix Them

Biggest mistakes new writers make and how you can fix them

Every writer makes mistakes. From typos to writing stuff that sucks, we’re all pretty human (although we tend to be less human than non-writers). Of course, new writers are especially prone to making mistakes. Most of these mistakes are easily correctable, but they can have a long-term impact on your writing career. Here are the … Continue reading Biggest Mistakes New Writers Make…And How to Fix Them

5 lies bloggers tell you about blogging

5 big lies bloggers tell you about blogging

If you’re a blogger or an aspiring blogger, you’ve undoubtedly seen countless blog posts telling you how you can achieve amazing things as a blogger. Hell, I even wrote one myself, although it was a complete joke that shouldn’t have fooled anyone. While my post was pretty obviously full of lies, most people who blog … Continue reading 5 lies bloggers tell you about blogging

9 Hilarious Reasons Why Writing Is Like a Bowel Movement

9 reasons writing is like a bowel movement

I see you’re sitting down, working hard trying to get something out. Are you writing the next great American novel or taking the dump of a lifetime? No matter which pursuit you are following, both the process and product are pretty much the same. Here’s a deeper exploration of the similarities between writing and taking … Continue reading 9 Hilarious Reasons Why Writing Is Like a Bowel Movement

4 Signs It’s Time to Give Up on Your Short Story

4 signs it's time to give up on your work-in-progress

Writers have to be resilient. With as often as we get rejected and as much as we face obstacles like writer's block, we have to pick ourselves up off the floor and get back behind the keyboard all the time. However, we also sometimes have to throw in the proverbial towel. As someone who once … Continue reading 4 Signs It’s Time to Give Up on Your Short Story

MFAsplaining and how it hurts writers everywhere

Meet the MFAsplainer, the writer with an MFA who looks down on all other writers

Most writers are good people, regardless of what their credentials are. I have a lot of friends who are writers. A fair number of them have an MFA in writing. They’re all awesome people and great writers. I also know a lot of people in the writing community who don't have an MFA. Most of … Continue reading MFAsplaining and how it hurts writers everywhere

How to get a job as a copywriter

There are lots of copywriter jobs out there. But there are a lot more candidates than available positions. So how do you stand out and get a job as a copywriter? Any time I post a position for a new copywriter, I’m immediately flooded with applicants. Many of them have no relevant writing experience, but … Continue reading How to get a job as a copywriter