6 reasons Google Analytics 4 is better than Universal Analytics…and 4 reasons it’s not

6 Reasons Google Analytics 4 is Better Than UA

If you have a website, you need data. It's as simple as that. You need to know how people are using your website, where they are coming from, how many people are coming, and what the trends are. Along with a lot of other information. If you don't collect and analyze this data, then there … Continue reading 6 reasons Google Analytics 4 is better than Universal Analytics…and 4 reasons it’s not

Can you submit your AI-generated story for publication

Can you publish your AI-generated stories

Note: No part of this post was written by, edited, or reviewed by any AI writing tools.  With the rise of artificial intelligence writing tools, many people have started letting AI do all the work for them. Unfortunately, this includes short story writers and novelists who are trying to make a quick buck without doing … Continue reading Can you submit your AI-generated story for publication

How to Pick Your Writing Niche – And Why You Need One

How to pick your writing niche

When I tell people I have a writing blog, the most common question I get asked (other than how much money I make from it) is, what is your niche? Wait a minute. I said it's a writing blog. Doesn't that count as my niche? While writing about writing is technically a niche in itself, … Continue reading How to Pick Your Writing Niche – And Why You Need One

When it’s time to accept silence as a rejection

when silence is a rejection

Sending off your writing to be considered by one of your favorite publications can be both exciting and nerve wracking. On the one hand, you are proud of your work and couldn’t imagine a better home for it. On the other, there’s the intense fear of rejection. Having that dream publication tell you your story … Continue reading When it’s time to accept silence as a rejection

Understanding Claims in Writing and How to Craft Effective Ones

how to write an effective claim

In the realm of academic and persuasive writing, a claim holds significant importance. A claim serves as the central assertion or argument made by a writer to support their position or viewpoint. It is the backbone of an essay or any piece of writing, providing a clear focus and direction for the reader. Crafting a … Continue reading Understanding Claims in Writing and How to Craft Effective Ones

How To Sell Short Stories for Good Money

How to sell your short stories for good money

I recently saw a meme regarding Little Women and Jo’s $100 prize for winning a short story contest. According to the meme, the truly sad part of Little Women is it shows writers that rates for short stories haven’t changed in the past 100 years. While there may be some truth to this, there are … Continue reading How To Sell Short Stories for Good Money

Mastering the Art of Effective Communication in Essay Writing

Essay Writing

Written communication is an important skill to have, especially in the modern age. Most jobs you'll find require you to communicate in writing through email, text messages, or formal letters. Written communication skills allow you to efficiently convey your thoughts, ideas, and emotions. The same is said for essays. However, there are some guidelines to … Continue reading Mastering the Art of Effective Communication in Essay Writing

Over 100 Great Short Story Ideas to Get Published in 2023

The best list of short story ideas ever compiled

Update: We now have over 100 short story ideas on this list. These are all bona fide story prompts that you can turn into full short stories. These are not just writing exercises to get your brain doodling. If you write one of these ideas, you have a very good chance of being published. These … Continue reading Over 100 Great Short Story Ideas to Get Published in 2023

Should You Use a Pseudonym for Your Writing?

Should you use a pseudonym as a writer

Imagine you are a writer who has just written a book. You think it's amazing, and you're sure it's going to be a bestseller. There's just one problem: you're afraid to publish it under your real name. Maybe you're worried about how your family or friends will react, or perhaps you fear it will negatively … Continue reading Should You Use a Pseudonym for Your Writing?